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About Proxeed® WOMEN;
Proxeed® WOMEN is a patented fertility supplement designed for women who want to enhance their fertility and reproductive health.
Proxeed® WOMEN provides key nutrients like L-carnitine, acetyl-L-carnitine, L-arginine, N-acetyl cysteine, vitamins and minerals, all of which play an important role in supporting the physiological processes involved in female fertility.
Taken over a four to six month period, the ingredients in Proxeed® WOMEN:
- support normal hormonal activity and ovulation
- maintain the quality of eggs by providing them with energy and protecting them from oxidative stress
- support healthy cell division and the implantation of the fertilised egg.
Proxeed® WOMEN is recommended for all women who want to optimize their fertility and help increase their chances of pregnancy.

Proxeed® WOMEN works by:

One sachet contains:
- L-carnitine (fumarate) 500 mg
- L-arginine 500 mg
- Acetyl-L-carnitine 250 mg
- Vitamin E 30 mgTE
- Vitamin C 90 mg
- Vitamin A (from betacaroten) 800 mgRE
- N-acetyl cysteine 50 mg
- Vitamin Β5 6 mg
- Vitamin Β12 2,5 mg
- Vitamin Β6 2 mg
- Vitamin D3 5 mg
- Folic acid 200 mg
- Selenium 27,5 μg
- Iron 7 mg
- Zinc 5 mg
- Copper 500 mg
Suggested Use
1 sachet per day for 4-6 months or for as long as trying to conceive.
This is because developing eggs in the ovaries take around three to four months to mature, before being released at ovulation. Proxeed® WOMEN can be taken and in the first few months of pregnancy.
Proxeed® WOMEN is an orange-flavored powder. Mix one sachet with at least 120 ml of orange juice or water and stir.
Proxeed® WOMEN should be taken shortly after mixing and not stored to be taken later.
If you are trying to conceive, it is always recommended that you speak with your doctor for advice on how to support your fertility.
Product details
Metabolic support for the normal function of the female reproductive system
Carnitines have a key role in the energy supply of oocytes (egg cells) and embryos affecting their quality.
L-carnitine is the only molecule that can transport long chain fatty acids into the mitochondria where the β-oxidation takes place and the creation of ATP (energy).
Proxeed® WOMEN:
- reduces insulin resistance
- increases the thickness of the endometrial receptivity
- improves the quality of oocyte maturation and embryo
- affect the hormonal balance and quality of ovulation
- affects a larger number of developed (mature) oocytes and embryos
- contributes to the quality of ovulation and affects the development of the blastocyst
- reduces the number of days of stimulation
- regulates the menstrual cycle
- reduces oxidative stress
Optimizing fertility and a normal reproductive cycle
A woman is born with all of the eggs she will ever have, but for the most part of her life, these immature eggs are in a dormant protected state.
In the 3-4 months prior to ovulation, the egg matures and goes through a major transformation – it doubles in size and requires much more energy if it is develop into a healthy egg. It is at this precise stage when many factors can affect the development of the egg, positively or negatively.
Diet, weight, lack of certain nutrients, and lifestyle factors (such as smoking, alcohol and lack of exercise), can affect the quality of a woman’s eggs, her hormonal balance and her ovulation.
The fertile window
Ovulation occurs once a month, between 12 and 16 days from the start of a woman’s period, if she has a regular menstrual cycle of 28-30 days. After ovulation, an egg survives for less than 24-hours, so it needs to be fertilized at this precise point.
If the egg is fertilized, it will travel through the fallopian tubes and attach to the womb lining after about 5 days. If not, the womb lining will detach leading to menstruation.
Your fertile window is the days in your menstrual cycle when pregnancy is possible. Sperm can survive up to five days while your egg can only survive for one day. The theoretical fertile window is thus six days, which includes the five days before ovulation and the day of ovulation.
Foods that can help ovulation Choose monosaturated fats (like olive oil) over trans fats (those in fast food, cakes and pastries); vegetable protein (soy) over red meat; and high-fibre, low-glycaemic foods – whole grains, vegetables, and some fruit – over refined carbs and sugars.
Regular exercise can make a difference Regular exercise is important for maintaining good health and can also improve fertility. Fast walking, Yoga and Pilates will not only help get you into shape it’s also a good way to reduce stress.
Smoking – give it up As well as affecting your general health, smoking lowers the chance of conceiving and can harm your unborn child. Evidence now shows that exposure to cigarette smoke in the womb can lower the fertility of your child later in life.
Alcohol – limit how much you drink Research has shown that alcohol consumption at the time of conception increases the risk of early pregnancy loss. This is why the advice is not to drink at all. If you do choose to drink when trying to become pregnant then limit it to one or two glasses of wine, once or twice a week.
All the above mentioned should be discussed with your Gynecologist prior their implementation since every woman is unique and also her needs.
What is Proxeed® WOMEN?
Proxeed® WOMEN is a dietary supplement specifically designed for women who want to enhance fertility and increase their chances of pregnancy. It’s a unique patented formulation contains the right balance of high quality nutrientsand vitamins needed to support the natural metabolic processes of normal fertility and reproduction. The ingredients in Proxeed® WOMEN have been shown to play a critical role in maintaining oocyte quality and in supporting the biological processes involved in female fertility.
Who should take Proxeed® WOMEN?
Proxeed® WOMEN is recommended for women of reproductive age who:
- want to optimise their fertility and increase their chances of pregnancy
- are experiencing fertility problems
- are preparing for IVF and want to ensure the best possible quality of egg (ovum) and an optimum environment for implantation
- have a poor diet and unhealthy lifestyle: smoke, don’t take regular exercise, feel stressed, drink too much alcohol
How many calories are in one sachet of Proxeed® WOMEN;?
One Proxeed® WOMEN sachet contains 16 kcal. (kcal)
What if I forget to take Proxeed® WOMEN for several days?
If you forget to take Proxeed® WOMEN for several days, simply resume taking it on a regular basis.
How long will I need to take Proxeed® WOMEN?
You should take Proxeed® WOMEN for 4-6 months or for as long as you are trying to conceive. This is because oocytes take around 4 months to mature before they are released at the time of ovulation.
How should I take Proxeed® WOMEN;?
Take one sachet of Proxeed® Women each day. Mix the sachet with 120ml of water or orange juice and stir for one minute. Try to establish a routine of taking Proxeed® WOMEN at the same time every day with breakfast or lunch, that way, your chances of remembering to take it, are greatly increased.